Canadian Wilderness Fly-in Fishing and Hunting Trips

May 27

Ice has been off of Atikwa for over a month this year, completely different from last year. Jake reports the opening of the camp went about as good as you can get. Not much broke over the winter and the animals were kind to us and kept the cabins and lodge alone. Also a pleasant change from last year where everything was broke and wrecked from the long, terrible winter. Our help this year is working out well and Callum, Justin and Breanna are helping jake get everything done. It’s making me nervous since I’m home in Wisconsin recuperating from knee surgery so I worry about everyone being safe. Our first fisherman fly in just for the day tomorrow from Obabikon bay lodge to do some lake trout fishing they don’t get to do on Lake of the Woods. They have come several years now and we have a great time with them. Their always surprised when they come on a fly in and see no one on the whole lake except them. So our first fishing report will start after tomorrow I guess. I haven’t been home this time of year for the last 10 years so its weird to see the corn coming up and all the graduations going on.

Cant wait to get up on the island again though!


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