Canadian Wilderness Fly-in Fishing and Hunting Trips

June cancellations have become catastrophic

Due to several groups changing the dates recently or having different numbers than originally thought, reservations will not be wrote down in the book until $250 per person has been received for 2019. Sorry but absolutely no exceptions. It’s mostly my fault due to being a poor business man and letting people book with no money down, writing numbers in the book and not having any recourse when only half the people show, and just taking the losses and not caring. But this year has been over the top. I’m not singling out any groups, I love all our regulars and many have become great friends. It’s also not 1 or 2 groups. This year it’s many…..Too many. I do also understand there is good reasons sometimes. I’ll explain myself because I realize most people don’t think about it being a big deal. If you book for June 11 week, for say, 12 people, and I write you down in the book so I believe it’s set in stone, I go do shows that cost me thousands of dollars and tell group after group that that week is booked. Then group after group wants to change dates in April and quickly I’m sitting with empty cabins all through out June when I could be full 10X over. Every year this happens, and I realize this will happen sometimes, but for some reason 2018 must be the perfect storm or something. Also most people don’t realize that all Canada lodges in our area make 90% of their money in June so it’s the critical month that everyone wants. As of May1 I’m out $30,000 for June cancellations or moves and I haven’t set foot in camp yet. I’d be money ahead telling everyone to stay home and just fish myself. Like I said I realize it’s my fault mostly, I have to be stricter, It’s a business after all. I never ran my other business’ this way but I’ve got sloppy with this one. It’s easy with a fishing and hunting lodge to just have a good time instead of keep up with all the crappy paperwork.

Now don’t all my regulars get pissy with me, it had to be said. Save that for next year when I raise the rates.😂


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