We started late up here due to the late spring. They had a big ice storm in March so clearing the portage lake paths has been a big job. Lots of trees down. This last week has been very hot and humid but now a cold front has come thru and it’s around 60. The new cabin is going slow, very slow. Looks great but I have no idea when it will be done. Unfortunately that means the camp doesn’t look as good as usual. Building material and tools laying around. Still heaps of trees from the fire that we can’t burn yet because of the fire ban. We have several trees that have to be cut down. We thought they may live but they didn’t. The new motors are nice but not as fast as the evinrudes so I sent away for some different pitched props. Hopefully that will help. They are super quiet and get unreal gas mileage. No tilt and trim like the others due to Yamaha doesn’t have that as an option for 25 hp motors. Bugs aren’t too bad yet but I’m sure they’re coming. The camp weathered pretty good and everything is up and running.